Back to School “Difference Maker”…
Joy, love, trust – kiddos back to school – wow!
Now what? What are you…are we…becoming?

Do we dare really ..actually…merely to trust God ? Not just Kingdom bldg – but His sovereign control over your entire Life? 
Genesis 12:2-3

1. I will make you a great nation
2. I will bless you
3. And make your name great
4. You will be a blessing
5. I will bless those who bless you
6. Him who dishonors you I will curse
7. In you all the families of the earth shall be blessed
Enjoy this ballad – turn speakers ? up… peace and love

#GRAVITASliving sharing experiences of real Hope and Strength one to one – be one…Help One – inspiring & helping others we make our lives better. Only His Agape Love wins in the end!