Date Yourself

2 simple words to love why & how God intimately made you better every day – to lovingly explore yourself and the One who made you. It’s from personal experience, hope and strength- may you seek your Higher Power and Yourself better daily – and Thru...


GRAVITAS LIVING = Human “BE”ing authentic emotionally truthful CONNECTEDNESS = INSPIRE AMPLIFY EXPERIENCE NEXT STEP – let’s have coffee and better do GRAVITAS LIVING- one on one ??, (be one -teach one) shared experiences lead to MASSIVE stickiness (inverse...

The H Summer Encouragement

The H SUMMER ENCOURAGEMENT- Tap into your mind, heart, spirit, Higher Power energy – it’s radically amazing – I am so awed by His Majesty! “no one goes through life untested, and the answer to these tests is positive energy — not the rah-rah, cheering kind...