article-hbj-logoTrey Halberdier formed HALBERDIER Real Estate in 2008 with Robert Banzhaf. Halberdier, who has worked in real estate for 11 years, specializes in investment sales and tenant representation involving office, industrial, retail and land deals. The Woodlands-based HALBERDIER plans to hire 10 producers/developers and open a Houston office by the end of the year.

HBJ: What is the biggest transaction you’ve been involved with over the past year?
Trey Halberdier: ”We represented RPC Inc., an oil and gas client, which leased 79,000 square feet of office space and relocated to The Woodlands.”
HBJ: What do you predict for the next 12 months in your area of real estate?
Trey Halberdier: There’s not enough vertical space in The Woodlands to service all of the growth. We’re launching our HALBERDIER development division and beefing up our brokerage and investment divisions to service significant user and investor demand in north Harris and Montgomery counties.
HBJ: What has been your greatest professional challenge over the last 12 months?
Trey Halberdier: Aligning our mission statement and unified core values with significant growth projections for our company, and managing healthy growth correctly while building something great that lasts.