
Another year…. another period of growth, learning, and thriving.   We trust you learned as much as we did in the year of 2016.  As one of our brilliant mentors suggests, we must have a deliberate Product, People, Market and Financial Plan.

Our HALBERDIER Holdings brand, culture and pipeline looks forward to 2017 – for many reasons, but one mainly being the Market Plan.  I was fortunate to serve as panel moderator at the most recent BISNOW State of Oil and Gas Summit – specifically the Investment & Development Panel.  We participated in the GOOD NEWS of what Houston and Texas has coming to us in the decade ahead.  Enjoy the keynote speaker John Goff’s notes in link here –

Mr. Goff and other industry leaders are bullish on Texas, the Trump factor, Oil and Gas, our sprawling Medical Center (and suburban flock of same), overall net migration and job growth to the area.  As a contrarian investor and developer, we feel the time is right and the time is now!  Yes, interest rates are on the rise, and real estate prices are not getting cheaper for Houstonians.  If you hedge inflation, it might be wise to own tangible assets like real estate.

Empirical creativity and fanatical discipline will win the day- or year ahead, for the opportunistic funds, investors and developers.  We continue to see medical, retail and education as the industry leaders, with industrial, multifamily and office in that order of overall health.  HALBERDIER remains steadfast on MIXED USE projects – to allow the market to guide us into highest and best uses.  “Good entry prices on great deals where we can tell a solid story, with attractive debt and equity is our goal for the next few years”, says Trey Halberdier President of HALBERDIER Real Estate.  “We also plan to execute on the approximate $70,000,000 of land in our portfolio, it will be a rewarding challenge but the funds and capital are seeking good deals and sponsors- so we feel positive about our overall positioning.  We survived the O&G glut- and are coming out with pent up energy and value added propositions for our projects now”.

HALBERDIER defines OPPORTUNITY- and will be moving swiftly to execute full steam ahead.  Connect now for more information and opportunities – Investment, Development and Advisory of all commercial and mixed use requirements and assets.