by Trey Halberdier | Jun 4, 2018 | GRAVITAS
The Sure Thing Before we create a product, design a service or build a business we want to be certain the idea will fly. We want to know for sure that if we build it, people will come. If we only did the things we were certain would work, we’d never create anything...
by Trey Halberdier | Dec 23, 2017 | Development
It is year end for all of us – and onto 2018. One thing is constant for HALBERDIER Real Estate (Commercial, Mixed Use, and Residential) multidimensional entrepreneurial platform- and THAT IS CHANGE! CHANGE = GROWTH GROWTH= SCALE SCALE = BUILDING GREAT THINGS...
by Trey Halberdier | Feb 8, 2017 | Uncategorized
HALBERDIER Real Estate, Leadership, and Winning Ways learned in Sports The Patriots’ Bill Belichick Inspires His Team By Calling Them This Published on February 3, 2017 Leadership Professor, Executive Strategist, and Christian Pastor And other leadership lessons from...
by Trey Halberdier | Feb 4, 2017 | PR
THE HALBERDIER Companies are GROWING!! It’s a great time of year for growth, planning and vision casting. The Super Bowl is here in Houston, the weather is nice and cool, and we are building our winning TEAM. Please connect with our winning brand, culture and...
by Trey Halberdier | Dec 24, 2016 | Development
Friends: Another year…. another period of growth, learning, and thriving. We trust you learned as much as we did in the year of 2016. As one of our brilliant mentors suggests, we must have a deliberate Product, People, Market and Financial Plan. Our...