The Love Umbrella
GRAVITAS Living “the Love Umbrella”, HALBERDIER Real Estate and HEBREWS Community Coffee entangle alliances to attract & distribute LOVE Thru coffee and connectedness - BETA Project - 4 acres remodel of home, nature greenscapes, cows,...
Enough Said
Enough said - Friday wisdom nuggets #GRAVITASliving . See ya Monday 9 am at The Woodlands Chamber/EDP for GRAVITAS focus group Q&A- you are invited! For you so called winners ... maybe it’s best to be patient and peacemaking (speaking from experience). Love Love...
Back to School “Difference Maker”
Back to School “Difference Maker”... Joy, love, trust - kiddos back to school - wow! Now what? What are you...are we...becoming? Do we dare really ..actually...merely to trust God ? Not just Kingdom bldg - but His sovereign control over your entire Life? Genesis...
GRAVITAS Living – Something to Consider
Something to consider - the best ideas are created by your worst ideas and you now have your own marketing, media, culture and censorship of same mindfulness - so let’s distribute your bad and good ideas - I am here to listen and grow with...
“Somewhere between the bottom of the climb and the summit is the answer to the mystery why we climb.”
There is something humbling about mountains. Maybe it’s their tall and grandiose appearance or the initial intimidation when you cast your eyes on it. But ultimately, the most humbling part is the sense of accomplishment that you get after climbing one. The feeling...
July 25 | Day 206 - “May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.”(Psalm 19:14) LOVE this Psalm of David’s today! David is praying that not only his heart be pleasing to the Lord, but the words He speaks...
Push VS. Pull Leadership
The HALBERDIER Companies ~ a GRAVITAS LIVING inspired experience amplifies truth Thru the filter of Love - we can have it all in the reckless love of our creator of the Universe- consider yourself pulled (or maybe pushed). Pulling receivers into eternal glory - one...
Love that Sticks and Spreads
Great praise & worship ~ song ~ love that sticks and spreads ~ share it ~ be it ~ believe it - it works - it’s BEAUTIFUL - just like you ! ?? #GRAVITASliving
Date Yourself
2 simple words to love why & how God intimately made you better every day - to lovingly explore yourself and the One who made you. It’s from personal experience, hope and strength- may you seek your Higher Power and Yourself better daily - and Thru authentic...
Trey Halberdier & Rob Thomson Join Elite Forces 4th of July -GOD BLESS YOU ALL AND AMERICA!!
Wow wow wow -- GOD BLESS YOU all AND AMERICA!! Thank you Army Vet, HRE team member and brother in Christ Robert for his message below. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE AND SHARING Robert – and all our brothers and sisters - I AM enveloped in COMPLETE AND UTTER GRATITUDE-...